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About us

History of the surgery

Amwell Surgery is a partnership which is over 200 years old. During it’s long history the surgery has operated from various addresses in Lord Street and the High Street. From 1925 – 1959 the surgery was at 68 High St the former home of John L. McAdam (of the Tarmacadam family).

The 1939 – 1949 war was not a good time for the practice as one partner died suddenly, another was away serving in the army leaving the remaining partner, who was over 70 years old! This meant that when everyone had to register with a doctor in 1948 the practice got off to a poor start.

From 1945 – 1958 the two partners had barely 5000 patients between them. However in 1958 the practice took over a small practice in Rye Road with 999 patients. This enabled the recruitment of a third partner.

In July 2017 the practice re-located to a new purpose built Medical Centre in Fawkon Walk the accommodate our growing list size of 12,500 patients.

Since 1978 the practice has continued to grow in size and reputation and now has:

  • 4 Partners
  • 4 Salaried Doctors
  • 1 Practice Manager
  • 4 Team Managers
  • 4 Nurses
  • 11 Receptionists
  • 2 Healthcare Assistants
  • 3 Secretaries / 7 Administrators

The Amwell patient support fund

The Amwell Surgery patient support fund was set up in response to patients and their families who wished to make donations to further the work of the practice.

All the generous donations received from our patients have enabled us to buy the following for the practice:

  • Doppler – for monitoring blood flow
  • Pulse Oximeter – for measuring oxygen levels
  • Nebuliser – for treating asthmatic patients
  • Treatment couch – adjustable in height for the nurses room
  • Defibrillator – for our cardiac patients
  • Step – to help patients on to the treatment couch
  • Molemate – to help detect early stages of skin cancer
  • Patient blood pressure machine

We are now saving for a 24 hour Echo cardiogram machine to help us detect and monitor patients with heart disease.

If you would like to make a donation please make cheques payable to The Amwell Surgery Patient Support Fund.

Thank you for all the kind donations received.